Write a Book Review

Write a book reviewWhat is a book review? SolidEssay writers will help you write a book review. Plus, you will gain general knowledge. Get going and order from the top experts.

A literature review is an oral or written opinion of a critic in a work, justified by facts specific incidents (passages) of the piece in question. If you feel confused, this is not a problem. We offer an affordable alternative.

How we do it?

SolidEssay.com is prepared to deal with every write a book review task. Our main goal is to meet customer’s satisfaction. A review will let the reader know if it's worth reading the book under discussion. Regardless whether the reader has read the work or not, the author of the review should include some information about the contents, never forgetting that the purpose of the review is a presentation of the views of the literary critic.

Review vs. report

Many students fail to understand the difference between book reviews and reports. The review should not be confused with a report. A report is quite comprehensive. It is limited to the presentation of facts: title, author, genre, price, publication-related data, conditions under which the work was produced, construction of facts, illustrations presented, etc. At SolidEssay.com we follow specific guidelines. When it comes to "write book review" solutions we:

  • Avoid reading summaries, comments or advertising before reading the book.
  • Read with proper lighting and minimal distractions to interrupt.
  • Reason carefully the title of the book or work and the meaning and implication.
  • Read the preface to become familiar with the author's intent.
  • Read the table of contents (if any) to learn the basic organization of the book.
  • Read the entire book to get a general impression. On this initial impression, make a mental outline how it will work on the review.

It is imperative to know the genre of the book or to judge the work according to it. Having a personal copy of the book or work will bring benefits. Try to make notes as you read. Read the book for the second time, this will help you emphasize the details that can strengthen or modify the initial impression.


We focus on every detail. To deliver a write book review task, we analyze its structure. Plus, we determine the following:

  • Is the story told chronologically or in retrospect?
  • If non-fiction, are the chapters arranged logically?
  • Are the chapter titles clear and concise? 
  • What style is used by the author?
  • Is it formal or informal?
  • What about the speech?
  • Is it very difficult to interpret for the average reader?
  • What is the theme of work or play?
  • How obvious is it?

As a final note, we focus on the end and the climax. Odds are, the author focused on developing a marvelous end. At times, the main character resolves the conflict successfully, though not necessarily the play has a happy ending. After completing the reading, you might want to clarify how the reader may feel.

Write book review: Accuracy of information

Assuming that you are qualified to judge, how accurate is the information in the book? Are the facts distorted in any way? We keep it professional to ensure the best grades.

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